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The first Texas provisional government for the Texians was formed at San Felipe de Austin on November 7, 1835. This council passed a declaration of support for the 1824 Mexican constitution, and appointed a governor and other officials. However, this council stopped short of declaring Texas independence.
The first declaration of independence for modern Texas was signed in Goliad on December 20, 1835. The Texas Declaration of Independence was enacted at Washington-on-the-Brazos on March 2, 1836, effectively creating the Republic of Texas.
Four days later, the thirteen day Siege of the Alamo ended as Mexican General Antonio L�pez de Santa Anna's forces defeated the 183 Texians defending the small mission (which would eventually become the center of the city of San Antonio). Remember the Alamo! became the battle cry of the Texas Revolution.
The Battle of San Jacinto was fought on April 21, 1836, near the present-day city of Houston. General Santa Anna's entire force of 1,600 men was killed or captured by Texas General Sam Houston's army of 800 Texians; only nine Texians died. This decisive battle resulted in Texas' independence from Mexico.
The Republic of Texas was located between the United States and Mexico and existed for a short period of time (1836 to 1845). The Republic of Texas was formed as a break-away republic from Mexico and claimed a huge territory that included all of the present state of Texas, as well as parts of New Mexico, Oklahoma, Kansas, Colorado, and Wyoming. The eastern boundary of the Texas Republic was defined by the Adams-Onis Treaty between the United States and Spain in 1819. Its southern boundary was the Rio Grande.
Sam Houston was the first elected Prisident of the Republic of Texas and served for two separate terms, 1836�1838 and 1841�1844. He also was Governor of the state of Texas from 1859 to 1861.
The first Congress of the Republic of Texas convened in October 1836 at Columbia (now West Columbia). Stephen F. Austin, known as the "Father of Texas", died December 27, 1836, after serving two months as Secretary of State for the new Republic.
In 1836, five sites served as temporary capitals of Texas before Sam Houston moved the capital to Austin in 1837. The temporary capitals included Velasco (nw Freeport), Washington-on-the-Brazos, Harrisburg, Galveston, and Columbia (Now West Columbia).before Sam Houston moved the capital to Houston in 1837. In 1839, the capital was moved to the new town of Austin.
The early years of the Republic of Texas were tension-filled
because of the conflict of the nationalist faction, led by Mirabeau B. Lamar advocated the continued independence of Texas, the expulsion of the Native Americans, and the expansion of Texas to the Pacific Ocean. Their opponents, led by Sam Houston, advocated the annexation of Texas to the United States and peaceful coexistence with Native Americans.
The first flag of the republic was the "Burnet Flag" (which was inspired by the Bonnie Blue Flag), followed shortly thereafter by official adoption of the Lone Star Flag.
The Republic received diplomatic recognition from the United States, France, the United Kingdom, the Netherlands, and the Republic of Yucat�n.
On February 28, 1845, the U.S. Congress passed a bill that authorized the United States to annex the Republic of Texas and on March 1, 1845 U.S. President John Tyler signed the bill. The legislation set the date for annexation for December 29 of the same year. On October 13 of the same year, a majority of voters in the Republic approved a proposed constitution that was later accepted by the US Congress, making Texas a U.S. state on the same day annexation took effect (therefore bypassing a territorial phase). One of the primary motivations for annexation was that the Texas government had incurred huge debts which the United States agreed to assume upon annexation. In 1852, in return for this assumption of debt, a large portion of Texas-claimed territory, now parts of Colorado, Kansas, Oklahoma, New Mexico, and Wyoming, was ceded to the Federal government.
The annexation resolution has been the topic of some incorrect historical beliefs�chiefly, that the resolution was a treaty between sovereign states, and granted Texas the explicit right to secede from the Union. This was a right argued by some to be implicitly held by all states at the time, up until the conclusion of the Civil War. However, no such right was explicitly enumerated in the resolution. The resolution did include two unique provisions: first, it gave the new state of Texas the right to divide itself into as many as five states with approval of its legislature. Second, Texas did not have to surrender its public lands to the federal government. While Texas did cede all territory outside of its current area to the federal government in 1850, it did not cede any public lands within its current boundaries. This means that generally, the only lands owned by the federal government within Texas have actually been purchased by the government.
Presidents of the Republic of Texas
David G. Burnet (interim, 1836)
Sam Houston (1836�1838)
Mirabeau B. Lamar (1838�1841)
The first Congress of the Republic of Texas convened in October 1836 at Columbia (now West Columbia). Stephen F. Austin, known as the "Father of Texas", died December 27, 1836, after serving two months as Secretary of State for the new Republic.
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First Texas Flag
The first flag of the republic was the "Burnet Flag" (which was inspired by the Bonnie Blue Flag), followed shortly thereafter by official adoption of the Lone Star Flag.
The Republic received diplomatic recognition from the United States, France, the United Kingdom, the Netherlands, and the Republic of Yucat�n.
Notable figures of the Republic of Texas
Stephen F. Austin, known as the "Father of Texas"
David G. Burnet
Jim Bowie
Edward Burleson
Davy Crockett
Lorenzo de Zavala
Sam Houston
Albert Sidney Johnston
Mirabeau B. Lamar
Jos� Antonio Navarro
James C. Neill
Juan Seguin
William B. Travis
Isaac Van Zandt
Edwin Waller
William H. Wharton

INTERIUM GOVERNMENT (16 Mar-22 Oct 1836)
These were the members of the interium government established by the Constitutional Convention at Washington on the Brazos in March of 1836:
President: David G. Burnet
Secretaries of State;
Samuel Price Carson;
James Collinsworth,
and William Houston Jack.
Secretaries of War:
Thomas Jefferson Rusk,
Mirabeau B. Lamar,
Alexander Somervell,
John Austin Wharton, and
Henry P. Brewster
Lorenzo De Zavala
Secretary of Treasury:
Bailey Hardeman,
Barnard E. Bee
Secretary of Navy
Robert Potter
Attorney General:
David Thomas
Peter W. Grayson
Postmaster General
John Rice Jones
(October 22, 1836 to December 10, 1838)
Samuel Houston
Secretaries of State:
Stephen F. Austin,
James P. Henderson,
Robert Anderson Irion
Secretary of War:
Thomas Jefferson Rusk,
William S. Fisher,
Barnard E. Bee
Secretary of Treasury:
Henry Smith
Mirabeau B. Lamar
Secretary of the Navy:
Samuel R. Fisher,
William M. Shepherd
Attorney General:
James Collinsworth,
James P. Henderson,
Peter W. Grayson,
John Birdsall,
A.S. Thurston
Postmaster General:
Gustavus A. Parker
Robert Barr
Commissioner of Land Office:
John P. Borden
(December 10, 1838 through December 13, 1841)
Second Elected President:
Mirabeau B. Lamar
Secretaries of State:
Barnard E. Bee,
James Webb,
James Webb (acting),
Nathaniel C. Armory,
David G. Burnet,
Abner Smith Lipscomb,
Joseph Waples (acting),
James S. Mayfield,
Samuel A. Roberts (acting)
Secretary of War:
Albert S. Johnston,
Branch Tanner Archer
Secretary of Treasury:
Richard G. Dunlap,
James H. Starr,
James W. Simmons,
J.G. Chalmers
David G. Burnet
Secretary of the Navy:
Memucan Hunt,
Louis P. Cooke
Attorney General:
John C. Watrous,
James Webb,
F.A. Morris
Postmaster General:
Robert Barr,
Elijah S.C. Robertson,
John Rice Jones
Land Commissioner:
John P. Borden,
H.W. Raglin,
Thomas William Ward
(December 13, 1841 through December 9, 1844)
Third Elected President:
Sam Houston
Secretary of State:
Anson Jones
Secretary of War & Marine:
George W. Hockley,
Morgan C. Hamilton (acting),
George W. Hill
Edward Burleson
Secretary of Treasury
E. Lawrence Stickney (acting),
William Henry Daingerfield,
James B. Miller
Attorney General:
George W. Terrell
Land Commissioner:
Thomas W. Ward
(December 9, 1844 to February 19, 1846 When Texas Entered the Union)
Fourth and Last President of the Republic:
Anson Jones
Secretaries of State:
Ebenezer Allen,
Ashbel Smith,
Attorney General:
Ebenezer Allen,
William B. Ochiltree
Kenneth L. Anderson
Secretary of Treasury:
William Beck Ochiltree,
John A. Greene
Secretary of War & Marine:
George W. Hill,
Morgan C. Hamilton,
William Gordon Cooke
Land Commissioner:
Thomas W. Ward

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