This webpage contains an online catalog of antique Native American bows, arrows, tomahawks, knives and beaded sheaths, and warrior beaded moccasins worn . We're constantly updating the website.

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Our catalog features a combination of vintage and museum pieces at a reasonable price. If you're looking for something and don't see it here, send me an email. I still have boxes and boxes of stuff to catalog.



Fort Tumbleweed's Catalog of
Native American Weapons

CATALOG NO. breastplate201

Breastplate from the Pine Ridge Reservation

Full-length (40 rows of bone hairpipe), warrior's breastplate from Pine Ridge Sioux reservation in South Dakota, old bone hairpipe, french trading beads with great patina, old leathers but still pliable. It is widely acknowledged that the Comanches invented the modern day breastplate in the 1850's using bird bones and beads. By the 1880's, the cattle-bone hair pipe patterned after the shell version became the standard material across multiple tribes for constructing breastplates. Some Indians wore these bone hair pipe breastplates into battle but breastplates became even more widely used as symbols of wealth and standing in the tribe after the reservation period. Native Americans continued to wear the breast plates on all occasions for which "Indian dress" was preferred - in traditional dances on their own reservations, on visits to Washington, and in their appearances in Wild West shows and other photo ops. Usually ships in 2-3 business days.

CATALOG NO. shield302

Bear Society Buckskin Shield

Nice painted "Bear Society" shield from the Pine Ridge Sioux reservation in South Dakota. A great native american collectible. Usually ships in 2-3 business days. SORRY, THIS ONE IS SOLD. PLEASE MAKE ANOTHER SELECTION.

CATALOG NO. shield315

Plains Indian Shield

Plains Indian shield from the Pine Ridge Sioux reservation in South Dakota. A great native american collectible. Usually ships in 2-3 business days.

CATALOG NO. mocs540

Museum Quality Antique Beaded and quilled Moccasins

This pair of Sioux beaded and quilled moccasins date from 1820 to 1850 and are in remarkable good condition. The warrior moccasins are 11 inches in length and make a great display for your authentic native american collection.

CATALOG NO. mocs20


This museum quality set of circa 1860 Lakota Sioux Indian beaded moccasins would make a great addition to your museum collection of Native American artifacts. These decades old moccasins feature the old style glass beads and lots of wear- great patina. Measure 9-1/2 inches in length and 3-1/2 inches in width.
From a private collection. Museum quality native American relics.

Usually ships in 2-3 business days.

CATALOG NO. stone600

Vintage Plains Indian warclub

Vintage warclub purchased on the Pine Ridge reservation in South Dakota.. Warclub is just over 19 inches tall with a massive stone head (over 4 inches in height, 5-3/4 inches wide and over 2-1/2 inches thick). Good patina, excellent condition. Great Native American collectible..
Usually ships in 2-3 business days. Sorry this one is sold. Please make another selection.

CATALOG NO. tomahawk700

Museum Relic Comanche Flint Tomahawk

Comanche Flint Tomawk in good condition. The tomahawk is 20-1/2 inches tall, The flint axe head is 6-1/2 inches wide, and 4 inches tall. A great native American collectible. Usually ships in 2-3 business days. .

CATALOG NO. stone100

Vintage stone War Club

Old stone warclub from eastern Montana. The stone head is ground The war club is approximately 17 inches long and the stone head is a little over 5 inches wide.
Great Native American collectible from a private collection.
Usually ships in 2-3 business days. SORRY, THIS ONE HAS SOLD. PLEASE MAKE ANOTHER SELECTiON.

CATALOG NO. missouriwarhawk100

Vintage Missouri Trade Hawk

Vintage Missouri Trade Hawk from the Pineridge reservation in South Dakota. The trade hawk is approximately 20 inches in length and decorated with brass tacks. The iron head of the tomahawk is over 8 inches wide and 4 inches tall. A great native American relic. Usually ships in 2-3 business days.

CATALOG NO. navajoarrow1880

Museum Relic Navajo arrow (Circa 1850-1880)

Rare Navajo arrow from the late 1800s in great condition. Painted shaft, stone arrowhead sinue tied. A rare native American collectible. Usually ships in 2-3 business days. .

CATALOG NO. comanchemetalpoint100

Excavated Comanche metal point

Rare Comanche metal point excavated from the large Comanche camp along the banks of Bear Creek in Burnet County TX near the village of Japa. A rare native american collectible. Usually ships in 2-3 business days. .

CATALOG NO. comanchepoints2

Set of seven (7) authentic Comanche arrowheads

Rare set of Comanche arrowheads excavated from the Bear Creek Comanche campground active in the 1800's. The site occupied some mile of frontage along the cold spring fed waters of Bear Creek. Arrowheads were excavated by John Pruett of Liberty Hill, Texas. Usually ships in 2-3 business days.

CATALOG NO. atlatyl101

Atlatyl Spear/Dart and Atlatyl

Old buckskin covered Atlatyl throwing spear with flint dart point and throwing stick (Atlatyl). The Atlatyl originated in Europe almost 30,000 years ago and was brought to North America during the ice age. This buckskin covered spear is 45 inches long and is hollowed out at the end where a point on the Atlatyl contacts the throwing spear. This is a great example of the throwing spear that remained the dominant weapon system in North American until the introduction of the bow and arrow in about 900 A.D.
Usually ships in 2-3 business days. SORRY, THIS ONE IS SOLD. PLEASE MAKE ANOTHER SELECTION.

CATALOG NO. warriorsknifesheath450

Antique Plains Indian Knife and Parfletchie sheath

Large warrior's knife and parfletche sheath. The knife has an elk antler handle with a 9 inch blade. The knife measures just over 17 inches from tip of handle to tip of the blade. The scabbord is approximately 17 inches in length. A great addition to your native American display. Usually ships in 2-3 business days.SORRY, THIS ONE IS SOLD. PLEASE MAKE ANOTHER SELECTION.

CATALOG NO. pineridgequiver100

Painted Buffalo Hide Quiver and 4 arrows

Painted Buffalo Hide Quiver from the Pine Ridge Reservation in South Dakota. Quiver is just over 20 inches tall not counting 10 inches of fringe. The quiver has several old hand paintings including an Indian pony painted for war, a war shield, and other native american symbols. The four flint-tipped arrows are just over 25 inches in length.
Beautiful native american relic. Usually ships in 2-3 business days.

CATALOG NO. apachebow101

Apache bow, quiver and arrows

Old Apache Parfletche quiver, 4 arrows and a bow from Fort Defiant Arizona.
Beautiful native american craft. Usually ships in 2-3 business days. SORRY, THIS ONE HAS SOLD. PLEASE MAKE ANOTHER SELECTION.

CATALOG NO. apachesling100

Rare Mescalero Apache Slingshot circa 1880

Great Native American collectible from the Mescalero Apache tribe. Leather is very old but still flexible. Rare find. Usually ships in 2-3 business days.


CATALOG NO. beadedsheath300

Large Beaded Cheyenne Knife Sheath and Stag Handled Knife

Rugged Cheyenne Beaded knife sheath and Stage handled knife. The sheath is 10 inches in length with a 3-inch bead strip and 11 tin cones. The bowie-type knife is 12-1/4 inches long (7-inch blade). The blade width is 1-1/2 inches.
Usually ships in 2-3 business days.


CATALOG NO. beadedsheath306

Beautiful Plains Indian Knife Sheath and Silver inlaid handled Knife

Fully-beaded plains Indian knife sheath 5-3/4 inches long and older Silver inlay handled knife approx. 9 inches long including handle (5 inch blade, 1-1/2 inch wide). With the knife in the sheath, the unit measures approx. 9-3/4 inches.
Usually ships in 2-3 business days.


CATALOG NO. beadedsheath307

Beautiful Plains Indian Knife Sheath and old Knife

Fully-beaded plains Indian knife sheath and old knife. The old buckskin sheath is approximately 8-1/2 inches tall plus the fringe. The vintage knife measures approximately 8-3/4 inches from blade tip to top of the handle.
Usually ships in 2-3 business days.

CATALOG NO. beadedsheath320

Native American Beaded Knife Sheath and Vintage knife

Beaded plains Indian Sheath with fringe and old Knife..Sheath measures just over 9 inches tall and 3 inches wide plus fringe. The knife is 10-3/4 inches long with buckskin covered wood handle..

Great collectible for display or part of your dance or reenactment regailia.

Usually ships in 2-3 business days.

CATALOG NO. beadedsheath312

Plains Indian Beaded Knife Sheath and Old Knife

Great native American artifact. The old buckskin sheath is approximately 8-1/2 inches tall plus the fringe. The vintage knife measures approximately 10-1/8 inches from blade tip to top of the handle.

Usually ships in 2-3 business days.

CATALOG NO. beadedsheath320

Native American Beaded Knife Sheath and Vintage knife

Beaded plains Indian Sheath with fringe and old Knife..Sheath measures just over 9 inches tall and 3 inches wide plus fringe. The knife is 10-3/4 inches long with buckskin covered wood handle..

Great collectible for display or part of your dance or reenactment regailia.

Usually ships in 2-3 business days.

CATALOG NO. beadedsheath321

Plains Indian Beaded Knife Sheath and Old Knife

Great native American artifact. This brain tanned beaded sheath is approximately 9 inches tall . The vintage knife measures 11 inches from blade tip to top of the handle.

Usually ships in 2-3 business days.

CATALOG NO. bulletmold

Early-day Cheyenne Bullet Mold

Great Cheyenne bullet mold from Montana.

Usually ships in 2-3 business days

CATALOG NO. waraxe1001

Old war axe from Eastern Montana

Authentic old trade axe made by early-day pioneer blacksmiths and traded to the Sioux Indians. Purchased at estate sale in eastern montana in the mid 1970's.
Usually ships in 2-3 business days. SORRY, THIS ONE IS SOLD. PLEASE MAKE ANOTHER SELECTION.

CATALOG NO. pipeaxe1001

Old pipeaxe from South Dakota

Old pipeaxe , good patina but in usuable condition. Purchased at the Pine Ridge Pow Wow in the mid 1970's.
Usually ships in 2-3 business days

CATALOG NO. pipeaxe1000

Old pipeaxe from South Dakota

Old pipeaxe , good patina but in usuable condition. Purchased at the Pine Ridge Pow Wow in the mid 1970's.
Usually ships in 2-3 business days.

CATALOG NO. spear1000

1700/1800's iron spear head

Authentic old blacksmith made iron spear head found in central Wyoming. Great relic.
The spear head is 12 inches in length and the overall relic is 23 inches in length
Usually ships in 2-3 business days

CATALOG NO. hawkhead2

1700/1800's trade axe

Authentic old trade axe found in central Wyoming. Great relic.

Usually ships in 2-3 business days


CATALOG NO. stoneaxe1

Ancient Authentic full groove tommahawk head

Ancient authentic full groove stone tommahawk head. Great patina and evidence of use.
Nice Native American collectible. Measures approx. 3 inches by 4-1/2 inhes.
Usually ships in 2-3 business days.



Ancient Authentic full groove tommahawk head

Ancient authentic full groove stone tommahawk head. Great patina and evidence of use.
Nice Native American collectible. Measures approx. 4 1/2" Long 3 1/4" wide, by 2 1/4" tall.
Usually ships in 2-3 business days.


CATALOG NO. stoneaxe2

Ancient Authentic full groove tommahawk head

Ancient authentic full groove stone warclub head. Great patina and evidence of use.
Nice Native American collectible. Measures approx. 4 inches by 6 inches.
Usually ships in 2-3 business days.


CATALOG NO. stoneaxe20

Ancient Authentic full groove tomahawk head

Ancient authentic full groove stone warclub head. Great patina and evidence of use. One of the finest examples I've ever run across.
Great authentic Native American collectible. Measures approx. 4 inches by 6 inhes.
Usually ships in 2-3 business days.


CATALOG NO. fullgroved203

Ancient Authentic full groove tomahawk head

Ancient authentic full groove stone warclub head. Great patina and evidence of use.
Great authentic Native American collectible. Measures approx. 4 inches by 2-3/8 inches.
Usually ships in 2-3 business days.


CATALOG NO. flinthoe101

Ancient Authentic flint hoe 11 inches long

Ancient authentic flint/chert hoe from Illinois . Great patina and evidence of use.
Great authentic Native American collectible. Measures approx. 11 inches in length and 4 inches wide at the widest point and weighs 2.pounds 7 ounces
Usually ships in 2-3 business days.

CATALOG NO. d1 Collection of Authentic Central Texas Indian Artifacts

Beautiful collection of authentic Indian artifacts excavated from an ancient campsite near the San Gabriel river. This barn-wood framed collection includes 24 ancient Indian relics. Great to set off your Native American or old west collection. Usually ships in 2-3 business days


collection of arrowheads on 8" x 10" Barnwood Frame

Beautifully displayed collection of arrowheads on black felt background and 8" x 10 inch barnwood framed.

Usually ships in 2-3 business days SORRY, THIS ONE IS SOLD. PLEASE MAKE ANOTHER SELECTION.

CATALOG NO. d1 Collection of Authentic Central Texas Indian Artifacts

Beautiful collection of authentic Indian artifacts excavated from an ancient campsite near the San Gabriel river. This barn-wood framed collection includes 24 ancient Indian relics. Great to set off your Native American or old west collection. Usually ships in 2-3 business days

CATALOG NO. coll20

Beautiful collection of authentic Indian arrowheads (birdpoints). Usually ships in 2-3 business days

CATALOG NO. arrowheadtray1

Beautiful collection of 11 authentic collector grade Indian arrowheads from Tennessee. Usually ships in 2-3 business days

CATALOG NO. arrowheadtray2

Beautiful collection of 13 authentic collector grade Indian arrowheads from Tennessee. Usually ships in 2-3 business days

CATALOG NO. coll21

Beautiful collection of authentic Indian artifacts excavated from an ancient campsite near the San Gabriel river. This beautifully-framed collection includes 24 ancient Indian relics. Great to set off your Native American or old west collection. Usually ships in 2-3 business days

CATALOG NO. coll27

Beautiful barn-wood framed authentic points art. Great to set off your Native American or old west collection. Usually ships in 2-3 business days

CATALOG NO. display30

Beautiful collection of 11 authentic Indian hafted scrapers excavated from an ancient campsite in Northeast Texas. This nicely framed collection will look great in your Native American or old west collection. Usually ships in 2-3 business days

CATALOG NO. 5points

Beautiful collection of authentic Indian arrowheads excavated from an ancient campsite in Llano County near the Llano River river. This nicely framed collection will look great in your Native American or old west collection. Usually ships in 2-3 business days.

CATALOG NO. ind1094

Primitive stone art artifact

Primitive stone art artifact found in central Texas (approximately 9 inches tall, limestone material). Great artifact.

Usually ships in 2-3 business days

CATALOG NO. haftedknife101

Museum Relic-- Carved Hafted flint knife

Beautifully crafted museum display of a native american hafted flint knife. The antler handle features a carved eagle..

Usually ships in 2-3 business days SORRY, THIS ONE IS SOLD. PLEASE MAKE ANOTHER SELECTION.

CATALOG NO. arrow101

Collection of five Native American flint tipped arrows

Collection of five Native American made arrows, with authentic flint arrowheads. Usually ships in 2-3 business days.

Bookmark this page and come back often. I'll be adding new items every day.