Welcome to the Reagan Homecoming Association Webpage
 Reagan School Mascot-The Bearkat
This one-day only homecoming begins at 10:00 AM with a BBQ lunch at noon. At 1:00 PM, a business meeting will be conducted followed by the live auction at 1:30 PM.
PRESIDENT: Dinah Schneider
VICE PRESIDENT: Sarah Funderburk
SECRETARY: Earlene Neumann
TREASURER: Clint Shaunfield
Ann Byer
Tom Davison
Durwood Funderburke
Wayne Young
Jim Woliver
Jerry Kindred
Lynn Drews
George Funderburk
Roslyn Schneider
Bonita Shaunfield
Frank Tusa

We sold almost 100 BBQ plates with a surprisingly good attendance for a one day reunion.
 Former Reagan Students in attendance at the May 2022 Reagan Reunion
 Serving crew and hungry former Reagan students
 Former Reaganite Norman Shortand his wife
 Former Reagan Students (Nona McCaleb Tarver and Ben Morris ) catching up on old times, Durwood Funderburke and Dan Heatherington and wife in the background
 Former Reagan Student, long-time teacher and current Reagan native, Louise Storemski Erwin visiting with friends
 Lindsay Kubiak and Shirley Kubiak Stewart Marking time before the auction
 Former Reagan Students LB Kubiak and Frances
 John Kubiak, son of former reganite Leonard Kubiak
 Mr and Mrs Dan Heatherington. Dan, a former Reagan student is one of the top auction donors
 Durwood Funderburk,former Reagan students and current resident of Reagan seems pretty happy with his BBQ dinner
 More catching up!
We had great attendance over the two day homecoming celebration. The reunion headquarters building was in great condition thanks to generous donations by Reagan Reunion members.
Everyone enjoyed the bar-b-que served on Sunday and the great luncheon prepared on Saturday by Ann Byer and her daughter. The memorial candle lighting ceremony led by Ruth Ann Torgerson, was especially touching as we had lost around 20 friends and classmates since our last reunion.
Lots of good food, irreplaceable friendships, great weather, and plenty of free time for visiting with friends and renewing old memories.
The business meeting also gave everyone an opportunity to voice their opinions about modifying the reunions (voted to reduce the reunion to a one day event on Saturday of memorial day weekend), adding a dissolution amendment, and other minor changes to our bylaws.
Then to make the event complete, we had a surprise visit by former Reagan Principal and Teacher, Cavin and Julia Whatley! What a great blessing to get to visit with our mentors from nearly 65 years ago.
 Julia Whatley, Reagan teacher in the 1950's
Most members of the JD McCaleb were present at the 2016 Homecoming including Cecil Johnson, WWII Marine, who journeyed to Reagan from Missouri!

JD McCaleb Family (Photo taken in 1947)
 Nona McCaleb Tarver with Uncle Cecil Johnson

Will be loading news and photos from the 2014 reunion over the next few days.
2012 was another great year for the Reagan Homecoming Association. The house was packed both days, the fellowship fantastic.
Everyone enjoyed the bar-b-que (155 plates served on Sunday)and the fantastic cake (donated by Sara Vasquez of Walburg, Texas)and the luncheon prepared on Saturday by Ann Byer, and Jean Sticklin (in memory of their parents,Guy and Kathryn Stricklin and their sister, Martha Hennig). And the memorial candle lighting ceremony led by Ruth Ann Torgerson, was especially touching as we lost more friends and classmates.
Lots of good food, irreplaceable friendships, great weather, and plenty of free time for visiting with friends and renewing old memories.
Pam Patti brought her Patti Shack Karaoke to the reunion on Saturday night which was enjoyed by many!
The silent and live auctions and generous bidding of our members allowing us to raise much needed funds to keep the Reagan Homecoming Association alive and well.
Tom Davison and son, Jeff Davison, the auctioneer, did an outstanding job of running the live auction! Jeff's humor kept the bidding spirited and fun. The reunion took in a total of $5,264.00 keeping the Reagan Reunion Association in good financial shape and ready to begin working on the 2014 Reunion!
At the business meeting, a lively discussion took place on whether or not to
air condition the building. Later in the meeting,
the nominating committee consisting of board members, Basil Margiotta, Ann Byer, Mack Joyner and Elmer Cohn nominated the following slate of officers that were confirmed by the majority of the board at the meeting:
President-Mack Joyner
Vice President- Jim Woliver
Secretary- Earlene Shaunfield Neumann
Treasurer- Elmer Cohn
Ex Officio- Jerry Kindred
New member of the Board of Directors- former President, Leonard Kubiak
If any of you have information or stories from the reunion that you'd like to share on this webpage, send me an email at leonard@forttumbleweed.net
Wonderful cake donated by Sara (Pokey Sweney's daughter) of Georgetown.

Reagan, Texas Signs at the outskirts of Reagan from the north and south designed and supported by Carl Wayne Evans of Reagan.

Ruth Ann getting ready for the candlelight ceremony honoring deceased Reagonites.

Reagan, Texas Signs at the outskirts of Reagan from the north and south designed and supported by Carl Wayne Evans of Reagan.

Reagan Community Center owned by the Reagan Homecoming Association. The center is available for rental throughout the year by contacting Elmer Cohn.

2010 was another great year for the Reagan Homecoming Association. The house was packed both days, the food was great and the fellowship fantastic.
Then to make the event complete, we were visited by former Reagan Principal and Teacher, Cavin and Julia Whatley! Board members Leonard Kubiak, Jim Woliver, Ann Byer, Imogene Burton, Ruth Ann Torgerson, Tom Davison, Mack Joyner, Pokey Sweney, Amy Sweney, Basil Margiotta, Andrew Waltman, Elmer Cohn, Durwood Funderburk, and Wayne Young were all present along with scores of former and current Reagonites.
Everyone enjoyed the bar-b-que and the fantastic cake (donated by Sara Vasquez of Walburg, Texas)and the luncheon prepared on Saturday by Ann Byer, Jean Sticklin and Martha Hennig (daughters of Guy and Kathryn Stricklin. Lots of good food, irreplaceable friends, great weather, and plenty of free time for visiting with friends and renewing old memories.
The silent and live auctions were a hit and everyone seemed to have a good time.
I was particularly awed by the generousity of our members in supporting our homecoming association.
Jo and Norman Short set the standard in the live auction bidding on Sunday by bidding over $100 for a jar of pickles and everyone followed suite allowing us to raise much needed funds to keep the Reagan Homecoming Association alive and well.
Tom Davison and son, Jeff Davison, the auctioneer, did an outstanding job of running the live auction! Jeff's humor kept the bidding spirited and fun.
Tom Davison pointed out the necessity for more tables and our members donated enough to purchase six more tables for use at the next reunion. It was good to see several new faces at the reunion including Gary McCaleb and his older brother Bill McCaleb.
At the business meeting, the nominating committee consisting of board members, Basil Margiotta, Ann Byer, Mack Joyner and Elmer Cohn nominated the following slate of officers that were confirmed by the majority of the board at the meeting:
New member of the Board of Directors- Earlene Shaunfield Neumann
New President- Jerry Kindred
Vice President- Jim Woliver
Secretary- Earlene Shaunfield Neumann
Treasurer- Elmer Cohn
Ex Officio- Leonard Kubiak
If any of you have information or stories from the reunion that you'd like to share on this webpage, send me an email at leonard@forttumbleweed.net

Wonderful cake donated by Sara (Pokey Sweney's daughter) of Georgetown.

Tom Davison and Jim Woliver raising the Reagan Homecoming flag for 2010.

Reagan, Texas Signs at the outskirts of Reagan from the north and south designed and supported by Carl Wayne Evans of Reagan.

Reagan Community Center owned by the Reagan Homecoming Association. The center is available for rental throughout the year by contacting Elmer Cohn.

Great job of clearing the newly acquired lots by Pokey Sweney and his crew.
Harold Funderburke and Robert Joyner, Glenda McCaleb Rhea, who now lives in Midland, is shown in the background.

Board Members Elmer Cohn, Reagan Reunion Association Treasurer, and Jim Woliver, association Vice President, hard at work!

Calvin and Julia Whatley visiting with Ann Byer and Pam Kelly. Pam is the daughter of former Reagan teacher, Mrs. Tom (Kay) Kelly, and Ann was a former student of the Whatleys over a half century ago!!

Catching up on old friendships. Charlsey McCaleb Laws, who now lives in Houston, is shown on the left.
Gary McCaleb and Norman Short revisiting the past.
Nell Pearson, daughter of Fred Pearson

Gary McCaleb and former Reagan postmaster, Billy J. Richardson

Ruth Ann ironing out last minute details for the candlelight ceremony honoring deceased Reagonites.

Full house both days of the reunion!

Mr. and Mrs. Bill McCaleb and Ruth Ann Torgerson

Ben Morris, former classmate of Leonard Kubiak, Carl Wayne Evans, Durwood Funderburke and Nona McCaleb Tarver (all present at the 2010 reunion). Behind Ben is Mr. and Mrs. Dan Heatherington.

Board Member Basil Margiotta visiting with former State Representative, L.B. Kubiak of Rockdale.

More board members: Jim Woliver, Elmer Cohn, and Tom Davison.

Charles Kinard, former Reagan student in the 1940's and 50's.

Elmer Cohn counting out the bar-B-Q meal tickets for Sunday's dinner. Mack Joyner looking on.

Great Bar-B-Q!!

The double line went fast!!

Former Reagan Principal, Calvin Whatley settling up on auction purchases.

Tom Davison, Nona McCaleb Tarver, and Dan Heatherington, all former Reagonites.

Current Reagonites, Sam Weeks and Carl Wayne Evans. Sam and Tina Weeks orchestrated the silent auction and Carl Wayne is the owner of Pneumatic Tools.

Ann Stickland Byer, she and her sisters, Jean and Martha donated and set up luncheon for Saturday.

The famous $100 pickles!!

Pam Kelly and Julia Whatley. Julia taught at Reagan in the 1950's with Pam's mom, Kay Kelly (Mrs. Tom Kelly).

Billy McCaleb and former classmate Ruth Ann Torgerson.

Methodist Church parsonage being restored. Looking good.

Gary McCaleb visiting with L.B. and Jenny Kubiak

Harold Funderburk of Bremond. Former student at Reagan.

Classmates catching up on old times. Harold and Robert Joyner. Glenda McCaleb in the background.

Jerry Kindred and Mack Joyner manning the front desk. Jerry is is the incoming President of the Reagan Homecoming association and our former secretary.
If any of you have any photos or early memories of Reagan Reunions or life in Reagan, I would appreciate a copy to post on this website.
Leonard Kubiak
We had a great 2008 homecoming with upwards of 200+ attending the celebration. It was one of the best reunions I can recall. Lots of fun, old time sories, a great memory sharing event.
My class which graduated from the 6th grade in 1953 was particularly well represented. Carl Wayne Evans, Leonard Kubiak, Ben Morris, and Nona McCaleb Tarver were all in attendance.
Joe Short, Mack and Robert Joyner, several members of the the Kinard family, my brother L.B. Kubiak, Al and Norbert Snider were all here.
Grover Pearson, Class of 1940 briefed us on some of the early day history of the Reagan Homecoming Association that set the stage for today's reunions. Other attendees that come to mind include Fred Pearson's daughter, Nell Pearson, Ben Morris's mother Juanita Morris. Also Jessi Wyatt, daughter of Reverand W.R. and Dorothy Brown Wyatt (Baptist minister from 1947 to 1951 and local carpenter and outdoorsman).
A special thanks to Ann Byer, Jean Sticklin and Martha Ferren (daughters of Guy and Kathryn Stricklin) who donated the excellent food and ran the concession stand on Saturday.
The Candle Lighting ceremony in honor of those Reaganites who have passed on to Glory was especially touching with more than 30 good people leaving us since the 2006 Reunion. Our special thanks to Ruth Ann Torgerson for leading this ceremony. The candle lighting service also reminded us of just how fragile and precious every reunion is.
At the Business Meeting on Saturday, we extended the terms for all officers and board members for another two years (2008-2010) added a Board Member, Durwood Funderburke to the Reagan Homecoming Association Board Members. Durwood also did his share of bidding and donating to the support of the auctions.
Everyone enjoyed the bar-b-que and
Lots of good food, good friends, great weather, and plenty of free time for visiting with friends and renewing old memories.
The silent and live auctions were a hit and everyone seemed to have a good time.
I was particularly awed by the generousity of our members in supporting our homecoming association.
Jo and Norman Short set the standard in the live auction bidding on Sunday by bidding over $100 for a jar of pickles and everyone followed suite allowing us to raise over $2000 in support of the Reagan Homecoming Association.
Tom Davison and son, Jeff Davison, the auctioneer, did an outstanding job of running the live auction! Jeff's humor kept the bidding spirited and fun.

In 1957, Fred VanCleave was a service station owner in Houston and was visited by a member of his graduating class of 1940, Ralph Porter. They had a wonderful long visit and during that time it was mentioned that Coach Ken Clark now coached at Fairbanks High School, which was not far from Fred's residence. Ralph and Fred traveled to the high school to learn the date of their next football game, then started calling those of their graduating class that they could locate and asking them to contact any other classmates they knew or ... that we might all get together and attend said game. Those whose names I can remember attending the game are:
Fred VanCleave Oran War Ralph Porter Faye Davis Stanley Pollyanna Woodland
Ray Bryant Clifton Kirkpatrick Jean Harlan Lewis Joe Morris Eva Joyce Funderburk
Mary Heatherington Roland Lansford and Sam Perdue and the spouses of those who were married.
Coach Clark was delighted with the turnout and asked about the others who were not present. It was Coach Clark who suggested that it would be a good idea to contact all for whom we could learn the whereabouts and have a homecoming once a year. So here the idea for the Homecoming was born, and a number of us decided to proceed.
Those who met regularly, as I recall, were the following: Fred VanCleave Oran Ward
Faye Davis Stanley and Joe Morris -- and spouses.
We called those for whom we had telephone numbers; and for those whose address we knew, we sent each a letter telling them of the plan to have a yearly homecoming in Reagan and asking them to, in turn,
contact those they could locate.
(The above writeup is curtesy of Fred VanCleave of Marlin Frededdie@aol.com)
The first Homecoming, in Reagan took place on July 4th of 1959 according to Ben Morris of Reagan (ben-morris@sbcglobal.net).
"I remember it well, was home from summer school prior to my freshman year at A&M. I ran, I think with Carl, a soft drink "concession" at the middle east side of the gym. We ran out of drinks in about an hour (if a 47 year old memory is correct). The gym floor was packed and cars were parked all around the gym and back to main street and down it both ways. It was one of those events that occur rarely, a spontaneous thing that no one really could have anticipated. These were the real old "Reaganites" and so representative of what Reagan once was. There were about
2,500 people in attendance: ex-students, ex-teachers, and ex-Reaganites - and even some Reagan residents! All circulated in the high school gymnasium, peering to see the name tag of others, and hugging them, crying with joy to see old and dear friends.
In the beginning, homecomings were held every three years. The third reunion (1965) was held under the gin shed in the heat! In fact, it was so hot that the attendees voted to build a Reagan Homecoming building. With funds in short supply, the basic structure was built but it was a long way from being complete.
Then in 1971, things began to happen. Thagard and Mary Kirkpatrick and Mr. and Mrs. Harlan donated calves for a drawing; State Representative Dan Kubiak donated 50 copies of his book, "Ten Tall Texans" and Miss Norma Jean Matthews baked a a cake. These generous donations along with spirited participation in the drawing raised enough funds to complete the kitchen. In 1971, the association started the tradition of donations in memory of loved ones that had passed over to the other side.
All donations, contributions, proceeds from raffles and auctions, dues, rental of the building, etc. were invested with the idea of using interest from this investment to pay the repairs and operational expenses of the building.

Recognize these guys from a previous reunion? Louie & Virginia Matthews, Pauline & Guy Turnipseed, and Bill & Bob Matthews.

Another early-day homecoming. Recognize anyone?
If any of you have any photos or early memories of Reagan Reunions or life in Reagan, I would appreciate a copy to post on this website.
Leonard Kubiak
The Reagan Bearkat Flag flew proudly on the flag pole in front of the Reagan Homecoming association.
Great turnout!

The reunion headquarters building was in great condition thanks to generous donations by Reagan Reunion members such as Dan Hetherington and others and the hard work of association President Nancy Thomason, Reagan resident and treasurer, Elmer Cohn, Tom Davison and many others including our contractor, Richard "Mudcat" Young.

Mack Joyner and Jerry Kindred with assistance from Charles Kindred manned the front desk.

Ann (Stricklin) Byer, Jean Strickland, and Martha (Strickland)Hennig (daughters of Guy and Kathryn Strickland) donated the food and ran the food concessions on Saturday. Ann Byer also directed the candle lighting ceremony Saturday afternoon.

Our Association President, Nancy Thomason was present and ran the business meetings for the association and gave out door prizes to attendees (a favorite with everyone). Some of the board members present included our Vice-President, Jim Woliver, Secretary Jerry Kindred, Treasurer Elmer Cohn, Directors Imogene (Turnipseed) Burton, Ann Byer, Mack Joyner, Leonard Kubiak, and others.
On Sunday, we were served a great BBQ luncheon after the blessing by Rev. Gary Clark, Reagan Methodist minister.

Afterwards, our auctioneer, Lt. Col. Jeff Davison with the able assistance of his dad, Tom Davison helped raise over $1600.00 at the live auction thanks to the generous donation of items by association members.
Everyone got a kick out of bidding on a standup poster of Marilyn Monroe.

Great turnout.
Some of the guests present at this homecoming included Marilyn Scroggins (daughter of James Verlin (J.V.) and Edna Lillian Scroggins) and her daughter.
Other former Reaganites present included Durwood Funderburk, Fred Pearson's daughter, Nell Pearson, Ben Morris's mother Juanita Morris. Also Jessi Wyatt, daughter of Reverand W.R. and Dorothy Brown Wyatt (Baptist minister from 1947 to 1951 and local carpenter and outdoorsman), Imogene Turnipseed, Norman Short and his wife (who bid generously during the live auction to benefit the homecoming association), Ann Byer, Jean Sticklin and Martha Hennig (daughters of Guy and Kathryn Stricklin) who donated the excellent food and ran the concession stand on Saturday, the Joyners, Grant Mackie and his wife Betty (Kirkpatrick), Dan Storemski, Lynda Hanson, members of the Fenner family, and many, many others.

 And don't our new sign look good! The old one brought good money in the auction on Sunday.
Lots of good food and drinks plenty of free time for visitation and bidding on the auction items, visiting with friends and renewing old memories.
The Candle Lighting ceremony in honor of those Reaganites who have passed on to Glory was especially touching with so many good people leaving us since the 2004 Reunion.
The silent and live auctions were a hit and everyone seemed to have a good time.

Benny Morris and other Reaganites

One of the pleasant surprises of the reunion was running into Dorothy Lane Niesen, former teacher and coach at Reagan from 1945 to 1947. She brought with her a scrapbook filled with old reagan pictures that I am scrambling to scan and format for our web page. She also brought with her a handwritten note and several pages of Reagan memories. Many thanks to Dorothy for her help in building out our Reagan webpage.
Former Reagan Teacher, Dorothy Lane(1945-1947).
"Leonard-I was the 3rd and 4th grade teacher in Reagan from 1945 to 1947. I had two years of college at Mary Hardin-Baylor College in Belton.
We looked at your website on Reagan-great! If you want to use these pictures, you can.
This is only my second time to attend a Reagan Reunion. I have many good memories of the two years that I taught there.
My saddest memory was when Sallie B. Davison was killed. She was a great basketball player, my best forward.
Also, Albin Snider, one of my boys, fell off and was kicked by a horse placing him in a coma for over six months. I am looking forward to the Reagan Reunion on May 29th.
Dorothy Lane Niesen
Memories of Dorothy Lane Niesen, 3rd and 4th grade teacher at Reagan schools 1945-1947.
"I was almost 18 years old, when I began teaching the 3rd and 4th grades in Reagan in September of 1945. The superintendent's wife, Mrs. A.B. Lewis, was a high school teacher but didn't want to teach the girl's physical education class. So, Mrs. Lewis taught my students math classes and I taught the girls P.E. classes. I also coached the girl's basketball team.
I remember most of the girl's names: Sallie B. Davison, Mayme Heflin, Norma Jo Allen, Gladys McCaleb, Charlcie McCaleb, Jean Bull, Ann Rees, Mary Lee Rees, Florence Fenner, Ruth Ann Davison, Frances Swinnea (Pee Wee), and others.
My greatest thrill came when my high school team played in a tournament in Chilton and we beat Chilton! My parents lived in Chilton and my daddy went to the grocery store and bought food for our team to eat in their back yard.
On rainy days when we could not play ball outside, the girls skated in the gym. I never learned to skate very well. One day I wore a new dress to school. We skated and the girls formed a train behind me. I was about to fall, so I grabbed one of the poles to stop me. When I did, I slid down at the pole, tore the sleeve out of my new dress and bruised my arm all the way down. The girls were all so apologetic, but it was just an accident. We had a good laugh (remember in 1945, teachers did not wear shorts or long pants to school).
My classroom had a brick-covered wood stovepipe in it. It was not used, but it was open and mice sometimes invaded my desk. When I arrived every morning, some of the boys would open the drawers to my desk and shake them. Sometimes a mouse would run out! Yuk!
One day, it rained in the morning. Then the sun shone brightly. We had a slide on the playground with wooden sides. At afternoon recess, the little girls slid down the slide (back then, they all wore dresses). Some of the girls got splinters in their thighs. I took a needle and picked them out. (can you believe that! Today I would be sued for that). Course, we didn't have a school nurse.
The school cafeteria was about a block from school (across from the Scroggins grocery store). The children always wanted to eat fast and go to store to spend their pennies or nickels. As well as I can remember, I required them to remain seated at least 15 minutes before they could leave (mean teacher?).This was during the war when so many things were rationed. Mr. Scroggins could get a box of Fleers double bubble gum only occasionally. Each child was allowed to buy only one piece. Marilyn Scroggins was in my class. When the Double Bubble came in, she would sing out, "Miss Lane, the Double Bubble is here! You can buy all that you want!"
I found a coupon in a magazine which said that with 150 Double Bubble wrappers, I could get 48 8X10 American history pictures free. I had all the girls saving their wrappers for me. They were great pictures! I had them laminated and used them on my bulletin boards for my next 33 years of teaching! When I retired from Western Hills High School in Fort Worth in 1983, I gave them to an American History teacher at Dallas Baptist University.
In 1946, I helped Cecil Phillips, our excellent 5th and 6th grade teacher, sponsor a bus tour to Huntsville to tour the prison, Sam Houston's home, and Sam Houston's grave. Cecil was an excellent Texas history teacher.
In 1946, the Reagan Senior class wanted to take a senior trip to Fort Parker on a Saturday for swimming and a picnic. Of course, they needed transportation. Clark Morris, a school board member, had bought one of the first pickups manufactured after the war. One student asked him if the seniors could borrow it to go to Fort Parker. He said, "Yes, if you have an adult driver". Yes, I was only 18 or 19 years old, but I was the adult. I drove with nine seniors in the back (with no restraints). We had a great day. Just before we left the park, they dunked me in at the edge of the lake. You guessed it, I had to drive that nice new pickup back to Reagan in my wet clothes! Thank goodness we had a safe trip. Looking back, I realize how foolish I was to take on this responsibility! Thank you Clark Morris!
In 1945, my boyfriend, who is now my husband, was stationed with the U.S. Army in Tokyo, Japan in the 32nd Military Government. He sent a whole Japanese parachute to me which I took to school and spread it out in the classroom for the students to see. The pupils were all so excited to see the parachute.
One of the highlights of my 2 year stay in Reagan was riding the Creeper, the train, from Marlin to Reagan. My roommate, Margaret Clark and I would ride the Greyhound bus to Marlin at 5:00 PM. We would eat at Houston's Caf�, then wait to go to a movie at the Palace Theater, walk to the train station and board the Creeper at about 12:30 A.M. That was a unique experience!
There were four teachers who lived upstairs at the home of Claude and Teenie Buell. Room and board was $35.00 per month for the first year, and $37.50 per month for the second year. My take-home pay was $112.00 per month. Mrs. Buell was an excellent cook. On Sundays, she made the best fruit salad and potato salad! Margaret Clark and I were roommates. Bertie Crow, the music and 7th and 8th grade teacher lived in the room next to us. Fred DeVaney, the High School English teacher and Pastor of Marquez Baptist Church, had the room across the wide hall. He was the only one with a car!
Sibyl Burnett taught the 1st and 2nd grade pupils. Cecil Phillips taught the 5th and 6th graders. Luther Gresham once gave me a Christmas present and said, "Miss Lane, you won't like my present. My grandmother made an apron for you." It became a treasure because it was Luther's gift.
My fond memories of Reagan and my first two years of teaching could fill a book. I later taught three years at Hillsboro and 30 years in Fort Worth. In spite of the hundreds of pupils I've taught over the years, I still remember nearly all the names of my Reagan "kids."
I retired in 1983 at the age of 55. Long live Reagan, Texas!"
PS In 1946-47, Mary Truett was the 1st and 2nd grade teacher. Margaret Whetstone was the music teacher and Mrs. Tom Kelly was the 7th and 8th grade teacher."
Mrs. Dorothy Lane Niesen (Reagan Teacher-1945 to 1947).
For information about renting the the Reagan Homecoming Association building for a family reunion or other special event, contact: Elmer Cohn P.O. Box 88 Reagan,Texas 76680
To get something posted on the Reagan webpage, send me an Email at lenkubiak.geo@yahoo.com

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