Native American Indian Books
Drums Along the Isletta by Dan Kubiak of Rockdale, Texas is a historical-based book about the Cherokee Indians and a black man called William Goyens during the Texas struggle for Independence in the early 1800's. William Goyens settled in east Texas among the Cherokee Indians and played a significant role in keeping the Cherokees from siding with the Mexicans in the fight for Texas Independence in the 1830's.
Goodbird the Indian, by Gilbert L. Wilson, copyright 1914, published by Fleming H. Revell Company provides an insight into the culture of the Mandan and Minitari (Hidatsa) tribes on Fort Berthold Reservation in North Dakota in the early 1900's. The book, a factual documentation of the Indian way of life has many sketches and old photographs and covers many aspects of the early-day Indian life including their beliefs, their schools, their methods of farming, hunting, and their Gods. This is an excellent book into the native American culture from their point of view.
Pacific Coast Indians of North America, an illustrated history book by Grant Lyons, copyright 1983. An excellent look at the Native Americans that inhabited the coast of what is now California.
The North American Indians in Early Photographs by Paula Richardson Fleming and Judith Luskey, Dorset Press, New York.Copyright 1986. This 9-1/2 inch x 11 inch, 256 page book is filled with great old Indian photographs published with the approval of the Smithsonian Institution. This is one of the best Native American documentaries we have run acreoss in recent years.
Famous Indian Tribes, by William Moyers and David C. Cooke, Copyright 1954 by Random House, Inc. This vintage, heavily illustrated book describes the major Indian Tribes of the the U.S., their wars, their great chiefs, and how the different tribes lived. This is an excellent book for getting acquainted with Native American culture and history.
A Good Indian by E.J. Rath, Copyright 1927, Published by Grosset& Dunlop Publishers, New York. This novel by E.J. Rath takes place in the Northwoods. Louis, an Indian from the North Woods goes to school in the states and works in a law office. Louis then returns to the northwoods of Canada with several office mates for an exciting adventure.